The CETRAHE unit, in partnership with the SEFCO, offers two levels of training in hydrogeological tracing.
The CETRAHE unit of the University of Orléans – Expert and transfer research and development in tracing applied to hydrogeology and the environment – organises two training sessions in hydrogeological tracing.
This training course – with two levels – offers a complete overview of the hydrogeological tracing method, in order to improve its consideration and the design of its operations.
Two levels of training are available, for two different categories of public with different objectives:
- Level 1. Hydrogeological tracing initiation: principles, applications, methods, interpretations, is intended for the various contracting parties, administrators and managers of public institutions who work in the field of water resource protection and who want to understand the foundations of this method, its contributions and its limits;
- Level 2. Specialisation and improvement in the practice of hydrogeological tracing: intended for practitioners, industrialists, professionals of the water sector, design and engineering offices, doctoral students and others who want to improve their skills in the use of this method, from the establishment of specifications to the processing and interpretation of results.
Educational supervisors and information:
Christian DEFARGE, University of Orléans, senior associate professor (MCF) in Polytech’Orléans, CETRAHE Director
Nevila JOZJA, University of Orléans, Research Engineer, CETRAHE Deputy Director
A pre-registration is compulsory by completing this form.
For more information, contact the continuing education service: