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CrossFit Afternoon

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Come and discover CrossFit for an afternoon on March 3rd or 24th 2022

Thanks to the student and campus life contribution (CVEC), SUAPSE Orléans is organizing two afternoons of CrossFit discovery in partnership with the Cenabum CrossFit gym in Olivet.

What is CrossFit?

It is a method of physical preparation invented by a former American university gymnast, Greg Glassman, in 1974. This broad, general and inclusive method aims to develop 10 physical qualities defined by its inventor (cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and precision).

To develop these physical abilities, CrossFit creates WODs (Workout Of the Day). The WOD is different every day, based on functional and varied movements, executed at high intensity.
These movements are mainly derived from three Olympic sports: weightlifting (movements with additional loads), gymnastics (body weight movements) and athletics (and/or cardio vascular exercises such as cycling, jumping rope, or rowing).


These two afternoons will take place on Thursday March 03, 2022 and Thursday March 24, 2022.


REGISTRATION: You can register for these activities from Monday, February 21, 2022 directly on Celene by clicking here

WARNING: As the number of places is limited, you are asked to register for ONLY ONE afternoon. People registering for both sessions will be automatically disenrolled from both sessions.