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Open Science

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The aim of open science is to make research accessible to all, without sacrificing intellectual property rights.

This approach can be summed up in three main points:

  • Publications;
  • Research data;
  • Software.




Publications can be uploaded to the HAL portal of the University of d'Orléans.

 ► List of APC agreements applicable at the University of Orléans
Access reserved to members of the institution

How to preserve your copyrights?


Logo HAL

For research data, the Atelier de la donnée Centre Val de Loire (Data Workshop in the Centre Val de Loire region), supported by the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Val de Loire (House for Human Sciences in the Val de Loire region), offers support to researchers, from the drafting of a Data Management Plan to the deposit of datasets.


In 2024, the University of Orléans has adopted an Open Science Charter. It will be accompanied by a roadmap soon: 





Carine LUCAS, Open Science Policy Officer:


| National Plan for Open Science |