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Supply Chain Policy

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The University of Orléans, a public scientific, cultural or professional establishment (EPCSCP), regularly turns to private companies to obtain the necessary services and supplies for its missions.

The general terms and conditions of purchase are as follow:

  • If the amount of the purchase is below 4,000€ pre-tax, there is no competitive procurement
  • If the amount of the purchase is over 4,000€ pre-tax but below 25,000€ pre-tax, the purchase is required to happen through competitive procurement by way of obtaining at least three quotes. The buyer will be required to submit a report analysing the bids to the service in charge of purchases and expenses of the University before the authorising officer can sign.
  • If the overall amount of the purchase added to other purchases of a similar merchandise category is above 25,000€ pre-tax but below 90,000€ pre-tax, the purchase must be made in accordance to the legal obligation of publication on the buyer profile of the service in charge of purchases and expenses.


Public sector and State procurement activities


The documents regarding ongoing processes are available for download on the University's buyer profile (PLACE platform).
PLACE is the dematerialised public procurement contract platform.

It enables companies to find offers, to respond to consultations from public services in central administration and in decentralised services, from public institutions within their jurisdiction, as well as chambers of commerce and industry and the Union des groupements d'achats publics (UGAP) [public group purchasing organisation).

The buyers are legally bound by the article 107 of the 25 March 2016 decree.
As per the guidelines of provisions of the NOTRe (2015-991) law on open data, a free, direct, and full access to the key data of public procurement contracts is offered on their profile.
Bulletin officiel des annonces des marchés publics [Official bulletin of the public contract announcements]



Advertising notices (purchases above 25,000€ pre-tax)

▼ List of ongoing processes ▼

Relevant documents

The documents DC1, DC2, NOTI2/DC7, and other official forms are available on the website of the Ministry for the Economy and Finance.

