Here you will find all the actions carried out by the laboratories of the University of Orléans to make science accessible to young people.
Vocational Guidance
- Each year, internships for Year 10 pupils are organised within the GREMI, REMELICE, ICARE, CEMHTI and ICMN laboratories to allow secondary school pupils to discover the professions related to research.
- The IDP also offers 5-day internships for secondary school pupils on the theme of theoretical and experimental physics.
- The VALLOREM laboratory is present at the Salon de l’étudiant (Student fair) and at the Forum des métiers (Job fair) in order to inform students and high school pupils on the various management professions.
- The House for Science in the Centre-Val de Loire region organises training courses for primary and secondary school pupils.
- The CEDETE and the IUT of Bourges participate to the “Les Cordées de la réussite” plan, which aims to encourage students' academic ambitions and promote equal opportunities.
Workshops, In-school and Out-of-school Activities
- The GREMI and CEDETE laboratories offer scientific workshops for all audiences on request for high school, secondary school and primary school pupils within the framework of the Primary/Secondary school connection project.
- The LPC2E partners with Planète Sciences to offer young people aged between 7 and 25 the opportunity to discover sciences and technologies related to astronomy, space, the environment, robotics and digital technologies.
- With the “ Petits Débrouillards région Centre” association, it also offers animations, training courses, exhibitions and learning kits.
- In collaboration with the “Les P'tits Cueilleurs d'Étoiles” association, the LPC2E helps sharing the world of stars and Space with hospitalised children.
- The GREMI, CBM, ICARE, ICMN, LBLGC, ICOA, LIFO laboratories and the Bourges IUT are he scientific sponsors of the “La main à la pâte” foundation, which provides resources for teachers to help them carry out scientific and technological activities at school.
- The LLL has given linguistic lessons in the Ikwere language to pupils in Year 8 and Year 9, and gave a lecture on the history of the English language to pupils in Year 7 bilingual section.
- The LIFO and the IDP participate to workshops organised by the MATh.en.JEANS association (Learning Method for Mathematic Theories by Pairing Institutions for a New Approach of Knowledge), whose action aims to make pupils discover the fun aspects of mathematics and let them meet with university lecturers.
- The UO is also deeply involved in the Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (Meetings with Young Researchers) that take place in the Cher, Indre and Eure et Loir regions.
Contests and Competitions
- The IDP has participated to the TFJM2 tournament (French Tournament for Young Mathematicians). This tournament is organised by the Animath association, which was recognized as complementary to school education by the Ministry of Education, and whose purpose is to encourage the taste for and the practice of mathematics among young people.
- As a member of the CDUS (Conference of Science Deans), the IDP is also a jury in the “Faites de la Science” contest.