- Computing in the fractal cloud: modular generic solvers for SAT and Q-SAT variants.
Maxime Senot,
Denys Duchier,
Jérôme Durand-Lose.
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC), Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC 2012), v7287, Beijing, China, 05 2012.
- Intégrer des connaissances linguistiques dans un CRF: application à l'apprentissage d'un segmenteur-étiqueteur du français
Matthieu Constant,
Isabelle Tellier,
Denys Duchier,
Yoann Dupont,
Anthony Sigogne,
Sylvie Billot.
TALN, 2011.
- Cross-framework Grammar Engineering using Constraint-driven Metagrammars
Denys Duchier,
Yannick Parmentier,
Simon Petitjean.
6th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing (CSLP'11), Karlsruhe, Germany, 09 2011.
- Model-Theory of Property Grammars with Features
Denys Duchier,
Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao,
Yannick Parmentier.
12th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2011), Dublin, Ireland, 10 2011.
- Solving Q-SAT in bounded space and time by geometrical computation
Denys Duchier,
Jérôme Durand-Lose,
Maxime Senot.
Models of computability in context, 7th Int. Conf. Computability in Europe, CiE '11 (abstracts and handout booklet), Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011.
- Une Modélisation des Grammaires de Propriétés sous forme de Problème de Satisfaction de Contraintes
Denys Duchier,
Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao,
Yannick Parmentier,
Willy Lesaint.
11 2010. (6e Journée Informatique de la Région Centre (JIRC)).
- Massively Parallel Automata in Euclidean Space-Time
Maxime Senot,
Jérôme Durand-Lose,
Denys Duchier.
First International Workshop on Spatial Computing (SCW '10), Budapest, Hongrie, Septembre 2010.
- Une modélisation en CSP des grammaires de propriétés
Denys Duchier,
Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao,
Yannick Parmentier,
Willy Lesaint.
Sixièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC 2010), Caen, France, Juin 2010.
- Construction géométrique pour résoudre SAT en temps constant
Denys Duchier,
Jérôme Durand-Lose,
Maxime Senot.
Blois, France, 01 2010. (Journée Informatique Région Centre (JIRC)).
- Fractal parallelism: Solving sat in bounded space and time
Denys Duchier,
Jérôme Durand-Lose,
Maxime Senot.
ISAAC '10, Int. Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, Décembre 2010.
- Property Grammar Parsing Seen as a Constraint Optimization Problem
Denys Duchier,
Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao,
Yannick Parmentier,
Willy Lesaint.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2010), Copenhagen, Danemark, Août 2010.
- A model-theoretic framework for grammaticality judgements
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Denys Duchier,
Jean-Philippe Prost,
Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao.
Conference on Formal Grammar (FG2009), Juin 2009.
- eXtensible MetaGrammar
Benoit Crabbé,
Denys Duchier,
Claire Gardent,
Joseph Le Roux,
Yannick Parmentier.
Computational Linguistics, 2009. (Submitted).
- Biomolecular agents as multi-behavioral concurrent objects
Denys Duchier,
Céline Kuttler.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, v150 n1, Mars 2006. (journal version of mtcoord2005).
- Modular grammar design with typed parametric principles
Ralph Debusmann,
Denys Duchier,
Andreas Rossberg.
Formal Grammars and Mathematics of Language, FGMOL05, Août 2005.
- Biomolecular agents as multi-behavioral concurrent objects
Denys Duchier,
Céline Kuttler.
MTCoord05, Avril 2005.
- XMG: un compilateur de métagrammaires extensible
Denys Duchier,
Joseph Leroux,
Yannick Parmentier.
TALN05, Juin 2005.
- Metagrammar Redux
Benoit Crabbé,
Denys Duchier.
Constraint Solving and Language Processing, CSLP04, Septembre 2004.
- The XDG Grammar Development Kit
Ralph Debusmann,
Denys Duchier,
Joachim Niehren.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Mozart/Oz Conference, MOZ04, Octobre 2004.
- A Relational Syntax-Semantics Interface Based on Dependency Grammar
Ralph Debusmann,
Denys Duchier,
Alexander Koller,
Marco Kuhlmann,
Gert Smolka,
Stefan Thater.
COLING 2004, Geneva, Août 2004.
- A New Algorithm for Normal Dominance Constraints
Manuel Bodirsky,
Denys Duchier,
Joachim Niehren,
Sebastian Miele.
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA04, Janvier 2004.
- Lexicalized Syntax and Topology for Non-projective Dependency Grammar
Denys Duchier.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, v53, Helsinki, Avril 2004. (journal version of FGMOL2001).
- TAG Parsing as Model Enumeration
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Ralph Debusmann,
Denys Duchier,
Marco Kuhlmann,
Stefan Thater.
TAG+7, Mai 2004.
- Multi-dimensional Graph Configuration for Natural Language Processing
Ralph Debusmann,
Denys Duchier,
Marco Kuhlmann.
Constraint Solving and Language Processing, CSLP04, Septembre 2004.
- The Metagrammar Compiler: An NLP Application with a Multi-paradigm Architecture
Denys Duchier,
Joseph Leroux,
Yannick Parmentier.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Mozart/Oz Conference, MOZ04, Octobre 2004.
- Extensible Dependency Grammar: A New Methodology
Ralph Debusmann,
Denys Duchier,
Geert-Jan Kruijff.
Recent Advances in Dependency Grammars, COLING04, Geneva, Août 2004.
- Logic programming in the context of multiparadigm programming: the Oz experience
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Van Roy, Peter,
Per Brand,
Denys Duchier,
Seif Haridi,
Martin Henz,
Christian Schulte.
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, v3 n6, Novembre 2003.
- An Efficient Graph Algorithm for Dominance Constraints
Ernst Althaus,
Denys Duchier,
Alexander Koller,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Joachim Niehren,
Sven Thiel.
Submitted to the Special Issue of SODA 2001, Journal of Algorithms, Mai 2003. (Subsumes the papers from ACL 2000 and SODA 2001).
- Towards a Syntax-Semantics Interface for Topological Dependency Grammar
Denys Duchier,
Ralph Debusmann.
- Dominance Constraints With Boolean Connectives: A Model-Eliminative Treatment
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Denys Duchier.
Theoretical Computer Science, v293 n2, Février 2003. to appear in the Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) 2002.
- Configuration Of Labeled Trees Under Lexicalized Constraints And Principles
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Denys Duchier.
Journal of Research on Language and Computation, v1 n3/4, Septembre 2003.
- Information Structure in Topological Dependency Grammar
Geert-Jan Kruijff,
Denys Duchier.
Proceedings of EACL 2003, EACL 2003, Budapest, Avril 2003.
- An Efficient Algorithm for Weakly Normal Dominance Constraints
Manuel Bodirsky,
Denys Duchier,
Joachim Niehren,
Sebastian Miele.
- An Efficient Graph Algorithm for Dominance Constraints
Ernst Althaus,
Denys Duchier,
Alexander Koller,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Joachim Niehren,
Sven Thiel.
Submitted to the Special Issue of SODA 2001, 2002. (Subsumes the papers from ACL 2000 and SODA 2001).
- Topological Dependency Analysis of the Dutch Verb Cluster
Denys Duchier,
Ralph Debusmann.
- Formal and Computational Aspects of Dependency Grammar
Geert-Jan Kruijff,
Denys Duchier.
Août 2002. Lecture Notes, ESSLLI 2002, Trento, Italy.
- Topological Dependency Trees: A Constraint-based Account of Linear Precedence
Denys Duchier,
Ralph Debusmann.
39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2001), Toulouse, France, Juillet 2001.
- Tree Descriptions, Constraints and Incrementality
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Denys Duchier,
Claire Gardent.
Computing Meaning, Volume 2, v77, Dordrecht, Décembre 2001.
- An Efficient Algorithm for the Configuration Problem of Dominance Graphs
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Ernst Althaus,
Denys Duchier,
Alexander Koller,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Joachim Niehren,
Sven Thiel.
Proceedings of the 12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Washington, DC, Janvier 2001.
- Lexicalized Syntax and Topology for Non-projective Dependency Grammar
Denys Duchier.
Joint Conference on Formal Grammars and Mathematics of Language FGMOL'01, Helsinki, Août 2001.
- Constraint Programming For Natural Language Processing
Denys Duchier.
Août 2000. Lecture Notes, ESSLLI 2000.
- A Model-Eliminative Treatment of Quantifier-free Tree Descriptions
Denys Duchier.
Algebraic Methods in Language Processing, AMILP~2000, TWLT~16, Iowa City, USA, Mai 2000.
- Dominance Constraints with Set Operators
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Denys Duchier,
Joachim Niehren.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Logic (CL2000), Juillet 2000.
- Axiomatizing Dependency Parsing Using Set Constraints
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Denys Duchier.
Sixth Meeting on Mathematics of Language, Orlando, Florida, July 1999.
- Parsing with Tree Descriptions: a constraint-based approach
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Denys Duchier,
Stefan Thater.
Sixth International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming (NLULP'99), Las Cruces, New Mexico, Décembre 1999.
- Set Constraints in Computational Linguistics -- Solving Tree Descriptions
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Denys Duchier.
Workshop on Declarative Programming with Sets (DPS'99), Paris, France, Septembre 1999.
- Mozart Documentation
- A Higher-order Module Discipline with Separate Compilation, Dynamic Linking, and Pickling
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Denys Duchier,
Leif Kornstaedt,
Christian Schulte,
Gert Smolka.
1998. (DRAFT).
- Concurrent Constraint Programming in Oz for Natural Language Processing
Denys Duchier,
Claire Gardent,
Joachim Niehren.
1998. Course given at the Universität des Saarlandes (1999,2000,2001). (Course Material).
- Channel Routing with CLP(FD)
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Denys Duchier,
Serge Le Huitouze.
Second International Conference on the Practical Application of Constraint Technology (PACT'96), 1996.
- CLP Techniques for Channel Routing
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Denys Duchier,
Serge Le Huitouze.
Canada, Novembre 1995.
- Reconciling Finite Domains and Constrained Sorts
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Denys Duchier.
Canada, Octobre 1995.
- Generic Constraint-driven Configuration System Proposal
Denys Duchier,
Hassan Aït-Kaci.
Canada, Juin 1995.
- Compiling The Typed Polymorphic Label Selective Lambda Calculus
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Denys Duchier.
Canada, Mai 1995.
- Software Reuse and the GUIDAR Project
Denys Duchier.
Canada, Mars 1993.
- Concrete Browsing of a Graphical Toolkit Library
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Denys Duchier.
5th IEEE International Conference on Tools with AI (TAI'93), Boston, Novembre 1993.
- Data Structures
Robert Holte,
Denys Duchier.
1993. Course for the Institute for Government Informatics Professionals (1993). Also given at the University of Ottawa, Canada. (Course Material).
- Spreading Computation
Denys Duchier.
Juin 1993.
- Reuse And Non-Monotonic Design of User Interfaces
Denys Duchier.
nTR-92-17, Avril 1992.
- LogiCalc: an Environment for Interactive Proof Development
Denys Duchier.
Octobre 1991.
- The LogiCalc Manual
Denys Duchier.
nYALEU/DCS/RR#660, Août 1988.
- LogiCalc: an Environment for Interactive Proof Development
Denys Duchier.
9th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-9), Mai 1988.