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FSDIE, the Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives

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La Fanfar' A' On de Polytech Orléans, subventionée à plusieurs reprises par le FSDIE.

Nearly 400 projects were funded by the FSDIE over the past 5 years, including Polytech's brass band Fanfar' A' On!


The CVEC's role in the Fund

The implementation of the CVEC (Student Life and Campus Contribution) has helped to strengthen the Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives. The total amount of aid for student association projects has been increased in 2019 and 2020 at the University of Orléans. The FSDIE was used extensively during and after the pandemic to support and relaunch student associations.

The sums collected under the CVEC allocated to the FSDIE are divided between:

  • the financing of student association projects (85%);
  • social aid for students in need (15%).

Grants for associative initiatives are allocated by a committee, half of which is made up of student representatives and chaired by the Vice-President of the University's CFVU. These proposals are then submitted to the Board of Directors and the CFVU of the Université d'Orléans for approval.



How does the Fund work?

The Student Community Life and Citizenship Service monitors the Student Initiatives Solidarity and Development Fund (FSDIE) to help finance projects by student associations in the fields of citizenship, humanitarian action, popularisation of science and technology, theatre, dance, film, audiovisual, writing, publishing, music, sport and events on the Orléans, Bourges, Chartres, Châteauroux and Issoudun campuses.

Eligibility criteria: in addition to the conditions adopted by the CFVU and the Board of Directors on 21 and 25 September 2015, any project initiated by a student association at the University of Orléans is acceptable except:

  • educational projects included in the training courses, whether or not leading to a mark (tutored project, PIC, internship...) ;
  • projects mainly intended for the internal promotion of a training course or a branch of the university (graduation ceremony, weekend or integration stays, galas, festive evenings...) ;
  • projects restricted to students in only one course (sports or cultural stays) or those presented by a representative student organisation but limited to internal use (conferences, training weekends...).

The projects presented must be interdisciplinary and preferably take place on the Orléans campus or in one of the university centres (citizenship, humanitarian action, science popularisation, theatre, dance, cinema, music, sport, sustainable development, etc.). Any sexist, discriminatory or religious proselytism activity will result in the rejection of the file. Sports or cultural trips must involve a minimum of 30 students. When these trips involve students from the same course of study, 10% of the participants must be registered in another course of study at the University of Orléans.

Associations wishing to submit a file to the project support committee must first sign the student association charter adopted by the Board of Directors on 18 December 2015.

To receive a grant from a public body, an association must provide its SIRET registration number (14 digits). You can request your SIRET number online from the INSEE.

Finally, there are other schemes for subsidising student projects, including: