The "Humanities and Languages " Doctoral School is comprised of 4 UMR (joint research units) (UMR CNRS: CESR - CITERES LAT - IRAMAT - LLL) and 9 research units (UR: CETHIS - DYNADIV - EES - ERCAE - ICD - INTRU - PAVéA - POLEN - REMELICE) from the Universities of Tours and Orléans. This group amounts to about 130 researchers or HDR teacher-researchers (authorised to supervise research) and about 270 doctorate students.
Head: Gaël RIDEAU (Orléans) - deputy director: Fabienne TOUPIN (Tours)
Contacts: or
The University of Orléans' five graduate schools are shared with the University of Tours and, in the relevant fields, with the INSA Centre-Val de Loire. They all fall under the Centre Val de Loire Doctoral College.
For additional information, visit the Centre Val de Loire Doctoral College website.