University : Main content

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The University President is elected by the members of the Board of Directors for 4 years, and his mandate is renewable once. He provides leadership for the University. In this respect:

  • He presides over the Board, prepares and performs its deliberations; he prepares and enforces the multi-year contract with the ministry;
  • He represents the University when dealing with third parties or with legal proceedings, he concludes agreements and conventions;
  • He is the authorizing officer for the University’s revenues and expenditures;
  • He has authority over all the University staff;
  • He appoints the examination boards;
  • He is responsible for the maintenance of order and must ensure the security of all within the premises; he complies with the recommendations of the CSA specialized training;
  • He exercises administrative and management powers in the name of the University when these are not attributed to another authority by law or regulations.

The President is assisted:

  • By Vice-Presidents elected on his proposal, as well as by Deputy Vice-Presidents and project managers  that he appoints;
  • By an office elected on his proposal, the composition of which is settled by the statutes of the establishment;
  • By a council of the heads of component institutions, which he presides, and which participates in the preparation and the implementation of the Board’s and the Academic Council’s decisions;
  • By the General Services Manager who oversees the implementation of management and administrative actions.


Articles of incorporation