The University is committed to a proactive, coordinated and concerted policy for the professional integration and continued employment of persons with disabilities. The UO builds its commitment on the development of a disability support system, on the information and awareness-raising campaigns for all the institution's staff, and on the recruitment and integration of disabled persons, both in long-term jobs and in the occupational integration field (apprenticeships, assisted contracts).
Depending on the situation, solutions to compensate for the disability and keep staff in employment (material and human compensation, working hours, etc.) are offered and implemented with the support of the FIPHFP.
Find out more about the campaign to recruit contract disabled employees.
► Download the document "Boosting comfort in the workplace" (in French) below.
Boosting comfort in the workplace:
- My back hurts;
- I cannot carry heavy loads;
- My hearing is decreasing;
- My medication is tiring;
- I have diabetes;
- I have problems working on a screen;
- I have an issue I do not dare to speak about...
You are encountering difficulties in your daily professional life?
The University of Orléans can help you!