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The Republican Commitment Contract

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What is the Republican Commitment Contract?

Visuel Contrat d'Engagement Républicain


All associations applying for a grant from the University, or benefiting from the free use of a room in the university buildings, must subscribe to the commitments of the Republican Commitment Contract (CER).


The 7 commitments of the CER are as follows:

  • respect for the laws of the Republic,
  • respect for freedom of conscience,
  • respect for the freedom of association members,
  • equality and non-discrimination,
  • fraternity and the prevention of violence,
  • respect for human dignity,
  • respect for the symbols of the Republic.


The president of the association must sign the Republican Commitment Contract before applying to the University of Orléans for a grant or free use of premises.

The association must inform its members of the various provisions of the CER, respect its terms and undertake to ensure that its managers, employees, members and volunteers respect them.

Any breach of the CER's commitments may result in the withdrawal of the subsidy received.

For associations recognized as student associations, the CER signature is in addition to that of the University of Orléans student association charter.