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Valuing Student Commitment

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How to have an association or elective student commitment recognised in your course?

L'engagement étudiant - émission de Radio Campus Orléans - le Grand Bain - avril 2015


The University of Orléans recognises and values voluntary elective or associative commitment in the students' course of study by allowing student association leaders (president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer of an association recognized as a student association by the institution)  and elected students in the central councils (Administrative Council and Academic Council) to validate a semester opening teaching unit (2 or 3 ECTS) during their Bachelor’s degree course.

Since January 2023, the University has opened another Bachelor's level cross-disciplinary introductory course (UEOT) dedicated to valuing civic commitments.
This UEOT is only open to students involved in :

- a military activity in the operational reserve provided for in Title II of Book II of Part IV of the French Defense Code;
- a volunteer fire-fighter commitment, as provided for in article L. 723-3 of the French Internal Security Code;
- a civic service commitment as provided for in II of article L. 120-1 of the French National Service Code;
- a voluntary service commitment in the armed forces, as provided for in article L. 121-1 of the French National Service Code.


For the 2023-2024 academic year, the assessment procedures for these UEOTs are as follows:

  • in 1st session (no face-to-face or distance learning courses): writing of a dissertation describing civic, associative and/or elective activities (50% of the final grade) + oral defense before the examination board (50% of the grade);
  • in 2nd session: writing of a dissertation describing activities (100% of final grade).