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Social Service

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Are you encountering financial or housing difficulties? Social workers are here to support you throughout your studies at the university.

The University’s Social Service

The University’ social worker is here to:

  • Listen, advise, inform and support students in their studies whatever their difficulties;
  • If needed, orient them towards competent services;
  • Process the financial aid request files.

To contact them:

Orléans Campus

SSU Orléans

By appointment at: 02 38 41 71 79

Or via mail at:

(Specify your name, surname, institution and student number)

Châteauroux Campus

By appointment at: 02 38 41 71 79
Or via mail at:

(Specify your name, surname, institution and student number)

Social worker on call punctually (Centre des études supérieures - Maison des étudiants - 90 avenue Fr. Mitterrand)

Issoudun Campus

By appointment at: 02 38 41 71 79

Or via mail at: 
(Specify your name, surname, institution and student number)

The CROUS’ Social Service

If you are located on the Bourges or Chartres campuses, the CROUS’ social worker maintains services:

Chartres Campus

Social worker on call once a month at the Student Residence Merleau-Ponty, 8 Place François Rabelais 28 000 Chartres

Make an appointment:

By phone: 02 38 22 70 27

Bourges Campus

Social worker Mrs REYNAUD on call once a month at the Student Residence des Gibjoncs, 74 rue de Turly

Make an appointment:

By phone: 02 38 22 70 27

Student Social File ("Dossier Social Étudiant")


AIDE, the Indivual Support Service for Students (“Accompagnement Individuel Des Etudiants”), is a reception place located between the lecture halls of the Faculty of Sciences, near the “Parc Floral” tramway station. It is open for all students who encounter difficulties.