Here you will find all the information on how to join the University of Orléans.
You already are a student registered in another French University, and you wish to join the UO?
First, you must submit an application for reception at the UO to the registrar’s office of the College in which the course that interests you takes place. Please download the appropriate form below:
Form for bachelor’s degrees:

Caution! To access selective courses (BUTs, professional degrees, master’s degrees) you must apply on the eCandidat app.
If you have obtained an authorisation to register at the UO in the framework of a file transfer (bachelor’s degree) or of a selective recruitment procedure via eCandidat (professional degrees, 1st or 2nd years of master’s degrees), you can proceed to your administrative registration between 8 July and 3 September. To do so, follow the procedure detailed here.
A helpline is available at everyday, from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm, between 8 July and 3 September 2021.