Emblematic program of the European Union, Erasmus+ enables more than 230 students each year in Orléans to follow from 3 to 12 months of training in a partner university in a state member of the Erasmus+ space.
- Member states of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
- States of the EFTA/EEA: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
- States applicants to join the European Union: Turkey
If you are registered at the University of Orléans, you will follow classes equivalent to your French programme in the language of your host country or sometimes in English and you will take your exams on site. The grades obtained will be validated and taken into account for the award of ypur French diploma according to the European Credit transfer System (ECTS).
How to Apply?
- As soon as the month of September from the year prior to your departure, information meetings will be organised by the International Relations Office of your college;
- Be vigilant and check the notice boards and dynamic screens in your college;
- Contact the International Relations Office of your college, your institute or your school in order to explain your project and find out about exchange opportunities for your training course (the University of Orléans has signed 322 agreements with 229 partner universities in Europe, but each agreement is concluded for a specific discipline), as well as the selection procedures;
- Prepare your application file with the International Relations Department (BRI)
- 28 February 2022: Caution! The portal and the online forms are available. You can submit your application online for 2022-2023 exchanges via the mobility portal (use your ENT login details to access the portal). Please note that the form was optimised to function with Google Chrome Firefox. We cannot guarantee that it will function correctly with other browsers (incompatible with Internet Explorer/Edge). You will need a software reading pdf formats in order to print the form (e.g.: download Acrobat Reader). Your browser must enable cookies and JavaScript. For safety reasons, you will be automatically disconnected if you do not enter any data for a certain amount of time.
What are the Deadlines to Submit Your File?
Please refer to the information provided by the online mobility portal or make inquiries of the International Relations Office of your college.
Financial Help
To help you finance your Erasmus training, you can benefit from some aid according to your profile:
- The Centre Val de Loire Region’s aid, Mobi-Centre
- The Erasmus+ Training scholarship
- The Aid for International Mobility (AMI) by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Linguistic Support
To make the most of your Erasmus experience and help you prepare for your mobility, the Erasmus + programme provides a language support platform: OLS.
This platform will help you evaluate you skills in the foreign language you will be using to study, to work or to volunteer abroad, and will offer online language courses to improve your skills. The access to this platform is automatically provided once you are selected for an Erasmus+ stay.