R&D Unit of expertise and of transfer in tracing applied to hydrogeology and to the environment.
CETRAHE is a R&D unit of expertise, of transfer and of technological dissemination from the University of Orléans that is supported by a strong academic specialisation in Orléans in artificial hydrogeological tracing, and a long practice of collaborative interfacing with companies, local authorities and State services in the field of water management. This unit was created in 2009 within the framework of the State-Region Projects Contract (“Contrat de Projets Etat-Région”) in the Centre region between 2007-2013, in relation to the cluster Sustainability of the Water Resource Linked to Environments, which became the Pole for Competitiveness in Ecotechnologies DREAM Water and Environment (and a member of the France Water Team, the Pole for Competitiveness of the French Water Sector).
CETRAHE’s main missions are:
- The counselling and analysis expertise in artificial tracing (fluorescent and saline tracers) and the analysis of water composition, thus supporting engineering offices, water caterers and other manufacturers, water unions, local technical services, State services, control and research laboratories, and associations;
- Making field devices (fluorimeters, automatic samplers) available within the framework of partnerships to help implementing tracing and analysis operations of water and of humid or associated environments;
- Offering R&D collaborations in these fields, as well as in support for academic research for the characterisation of the composition, the quality and the polluting charge (fluorescent organic compounds, dissolved ions) of the water, of solutions and leachates, and the implementation of hydrogeochemical and environmental follow-ups;
- Implementing one-of-a-kind French-speaking continuing education in hydrogeological tracing in Europe (in collaboration with a Belgian partner, European Water Tracing Services, Aquapole from the University of Liège, the BRGM, the Calligée engineering office and the Continuing Education and Apprenticeship Service of the UO), with 2-days long initiation internships and 5-days long specialisation and improvement internships;
- Creating an incubator for technical learning for students of all levels and in engineering, with the hosting of interns, of doctoral and post-doctoral students, of engineering projects and theoretical and practical teaching;
- Spreading knowledge for all audiences (professionals, researchers, students and pupils, teachers, purchasers, elected representatives and citizens) on water tracing and analysis techniques and their application to the sustainable management of water resources and natural environments through articles, public reports, technical notes, conferences, posters, videos that are available on the website.
For more information, do not hesitate to check the CETRAHE website.