For years, the University of Orléans has been ensuring the energy renovation of its buildings, with the support of various reflation plans from the State and of the State-region contract plans. These major works aim to:
- Save on heating and electricity;
- Fight against climate change;
- Improve the quality of life of the University’s service users.
These renovations were supervised by energy standards in force during the construction period (thermal regulation (RT) on new and existing buildings since 2007).
Building Renovation
Between 2006 and 2012, the mathematics building, the administrative building and the physics/chemistry building of the College of Science and Technology (CoST) were renovated with the insulation of the walls, the replacement of window frames with double-glazing and the installation of awnings, which provide great insulation for direct sunlight.
Between 2010 and 2022, the buildings A, B and C of the College of Law, Economics & Management (DEG), the Building 3IA and Polytech Vinci, and Radio Campus’ Cone benefitted from a campaign of replacement of window frames with double-glazing.
Since 2015, the University eliminated its gas boilers and chose to be connected to district heating for the College of Humanities (LLSH) buildings, the Science Library, the EGS (General Scientific Education) building, the Bourges IUT and the Bourges University Library.
Since 2015, implementation of motion sensors in sanitary facilities and passageways in the Physics-Chemistry, EGS and Humanities buildings.
Since 2018, 70% of outdoor lighting is LED.
2022: The roof insulation of the CoST’s science lecture halls was replaced and lights were changed with LEDs.
Building Construction
2016: Delivery of the new GEA/GMP building of the Orléans IUT (RT 2012).
2022: Delivery of the new MT2E building of the IUT 45 (RT 2012).
October 2022: Beginning of the work in the administrative building of the IUT 45 for a new building certified with High Environmental Quality (HQE).
2023: Beginning of the energy renovation work in the Sports Hall (thermal and sound insulation, replacement of the heating and lightning system).