Master’s Degree in Management and Business Administration (AE)
- 1 year
- Continuing education
- Formal education
- Since 1988
- Capacity: 20 students per year
- RNCP Record N°35916
The Training’s Objectives
The aim of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration is to give a general course in management in order to allow non specialists, whether they are students or working executives, to acquire a complementary skill or a double skill to facilitate their professional integration and/or the following of their career. This training course is recognized and liked by companies that are more and more looking to fill positions that require both expertise in a special field (engineering professions, biology, chemistry, IT, languages…) and a general knowledge of management techniques. The aim is thus to train skilful executives with extensive and diversified knowledge, capable of rapidly assuming management functions thanks to their strategic vision, their entrepreneurial approach and their cross-disciplinary skills, and capable of managing a project or an activity in its entirety.
Internship and Continuing Education
This one-year Master's degree is available for formal and continuing education.
For students in formal education, the training is completed by a mandatory internship of 4 to 6 months. This internship constitutes a real pre-employment experience that gives them the opportunity to prepare for their entrance into the job market. For adults in continuing education, it can be an opportunity for a reintegration or a career change.
The Master's degree in Business Administration can be completed within the framework of lifelong learning, thus offering executives with a certain amount of experience or job seekers the possibility to be admitted to this Master's programme. In addition, the training is adapted to this effect since courses only take place from 5 pm onwards and on Saturday mornings in order to allow adults in continuing education to reconcile their professional activity with their presence in the Master's courses. This procedure has met great success since 50% of the students in the Master's degree in Business Administration are adults in continuing education.
Within the framework of lifelong learning, the duration of the internship can be validated by an equivalent amount of time in employment on the express condition that the level of the position held as well as its field are in line with the Master's degree.
With its multidisciplinary nature, the Master’s Degree in Business Administration offers students the possibility to apprehend the various functions of the company, to understand its mechanisms and to master the main management tools. Additionally, it allows executives in employment to learn manager reasoning. Students thus develop a global vision, both strategic and functional, enabling them to interpret the new challenges faced by companies and to acquire the necessary skills to perform managerial functions.
Graduates of the AE master’s degree are able to conduct a project in its entirety: create a marketing plan, implement internal and external communication tools including the digital dimension, design a product or service offer, establish a commercial strategy, carry out internal diagnoses, carry out market studies and deduce strategic recommendations, interpret balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and analyse management charts, establish activity forecasts in terms of objectives, budgets, organization and resources, develop and adapt analysis tools, indicators and management control procedures using computer processing, negotiate contracts, manage a team, interpret the legislative and regulatory framework, manage logistics and quality standards.
In addition to the theoretical courses, the training, which is oriented towards professionalization, places great emphasis on role-playing and group work (case studies, presentations, group projects, simulation games, challenges, etc.), enabling students to develop their interpersonal skills and their initiative spirit, but also their teamwork, communication and negotiation skills, organisation, rigor and respect for deadlines.
An Established Reputation
The Master’s Degree in Business Administration, which was created over 60 years ago, is the flagship degree of IAEs. It benefits from a very strong reputation and benefits in parallel from the existence of a large network of alumni occupying high-level positions in national and international companies in the private sector as well as in the public sector.
Click here to discover the programme of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration (AE)
IAE - École Universitaire de Management
Faculté de Droit, d’Économie et de Gestion
Rue de Blois BP 26739 45067 Orléans Cedex 2
IAE secretarial office:
02 38 41 70 28
Head of the Master’s Degree
Associate Professor (MCF) at the University of Orléans