Master’s Degree in Accounting, Control, Audit (CCA)
- 2 years
- Apprenticeship training
- Since 2004
- Capacity: 20 students per year
- RNCP Record N°35991
The Training’s Objectives
This training guarantees high-level skills in the fields of accounting, audit and finance for all kinds of organisations (accounting and auditing firms, SMEs and large companies, local authorities, etc.).
Particular attention is paid to methodological training (written and oral communication, teamwork, project management, research initiation) through special courses (consolidation of accounts, international accounting, mergers/acquisitions, financial communication, accounting and financial English, legal auditing) but also through various types of work (presentations, group projects, applied research dissertation, apprenticeship dissertation).
Over two years, this master’s degree is available with an apprenticeship contract.
Students are encouraged to integrate an accounting firm and/or statutory auditing firm, or the accounting and financial department of a company. The work-study rhythm is adapted to the particular needs of the accounting profession (tax period).
The work-study system (average rhythm of 3 weeks inside the company and 1 week at the IAE) allows students to prepare in a concrete way their entrance on the job market and is a true factor of pre-professional integration.
Preparation for the Accounting and Auditing Exams
The CCA master’s degree allows students to benefit from the maximum level of exemptions from the DSCG (Superior Diploma of Accounting and Management) exams. Only teaching units (UE) number 1 “Legal, tax and social management” and 4 “Accounting and audit” must be taken to obtain the diploma allowing to begin the accounting internship of 3 years. Teaching units are designed to enable students to take tests n°1 and 4 of the DSCG with the best chances of success.
An intensive preparation to the DSCG is planned: it takes the form of practical cases through which we offer revising, methodological advice and updating of your knowledge. Two trial runs (UE1 and UE4 of the DSCG) are programmed, which ensures optimal training for the national exam.
Graduates of the CCA master’s degree, for the vast majority, begin their career as certified accountant trainees in an accounting firm and/or a statutory auditing firm. Afterwards, they become certified accountants and/or statutory auditors in a firm or they can turn towards the functions of:
- Administrative and Financial Director;
- Internal Auditor;
- Policy Officer in an accounting firm or a statutory auditing firm;
- Chief Accountant in all kinds of organisations, private or public, small or large, regional, national or international, in all kinds of sectors.
A small minority chooses teaching and research functions (teacher holder of an agrégation in management and economics, associate professor in management sciences); another one chooses public finances.
An Established Reputation
The Order of Chartered Accountants in the Orléans Region, the Regional Company of Statutory Auditors in the Orléans Region and the Association of Managers of CCA Master’s Degrees of France are closely associated with the functioning of this specialisation: organisation of conferences, participation in teaching, acceptance of apprenticeships and definition of training requirements (in particular within the development council and the meeting of apprenticeship masters).
Click here to discover the programme of the Master’s Degree in Accounting, Control, Audit (CCA)
Access in first year (M1):
Access to the first year is selective. It is open to applicants who have completed a Bachelor's degree in Management Sciences or a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management.
After studying the academic file, applicants are invited to an interview. The final admission is decided when the applicant obtains an apprenticeship or a professionalization contract whose missions have been validated by the educational manager.
The e-candidat procedure replaces the transfer, accreditation of learning and access procedures for foreign students with a foreign degree.
Access in second year (M2):
Access to the second year is based on the applicant's file, for applicants who have completed the first year of the Master's degree in the field of accounting, control, auditing and corporate finance. The final admission is decided when the applicant obtains an apprenticeship or professionalization contract whose missions have been validated by the educational manager.
IAE - École Universitaire de Management
Faculté de Droit, d’Économie et de Gestion
Rue de Blois BP 26739 45067 Orléans Cedex 2
IAE secretarial office:
02 38 41 70 28
More information on apprenticeships:
02 38 49 48 69
Head of the Master’s Degree
Stéphane ONNÉE
University Professor (PU) at the University of Orléans