Here you wil find all the information on student social security protection.
Since September 2018, the annual social security contribution for students has been cancelled.
Your student social security protection is now free of charge!
- French students who register for the first time at the UO no longer have to change their health insurance scheme and can remain affiliated (usually on their parents' scheme) without having to undertake any procedure.
- Foreign students from the EU or Switzerland remain affiliated to the social security system of their country and are not required to join the French social security (CPAM).
- Non-EU students are required to become affiliated to the French social security after they complete their registration at the University.
You can check the various procedures on the Ameli website.
Complementary health insurance contract
Subscribing to a complementary health insurance contract is optional.
If you can no longer benefit from your parents' complementary health insurance, student health insurance companies offer different options. However, you have the option of subscribing to a complementary health insurance with any mutual organisation of your choice.
The Centre-val-de-Loire Regional Council may offer financial aid to help students subscribe to a complementary health insurance. See the Region website and the Youth Regional website for more information.
Civil and personal liability accident insurance contract
Civil Liability and Individual Accident Insurance is mandatory for your registration at the University of Orléans.
It covers for you if you are found civilly liable or if you are the victim of an accident, in particular:
- If you go on an internship during the academic year;
- If you practice sports within or outside the University;
- If you are a trainee in continuing education;
- If you are going abroad.
If you are unable to present a valid Civil Liability and Individual Accident Insurance certificate on the date of your registration, you may subscribe to one through one of the two student social security management centres or through any other mutual insurance company of your choice.
Coverage of trainees
Students who have an agreement with the University of Orléans to do a compulsory internship in France or abroad continue to benefit from the student social security and the guarantees offered by their mutual insurance company.
The administrative department that draws up the compulsory internship agreement in France or abroad is responsible for checking that these students have subscribed to an insurance policy covering their civil liability with the organisation of their choice.
In accordance with article L412-8.2° of the Social Security Code, these students benefit from occupational accident coverage by the University of Orléans provided that the mandatory internship does not result in a monthly payment greater than 30% of the SMIC evaluated on 1 January of the current year.
In the event of an accident occurring as a result of the internship or during the journeys made during the internship, the University of Orléans shall make the accident declaration within 48 hours, on the basis of the information provided by the host company.