Here you can find out more on the various social and financial aid for students at the UO.
Please visit the following websites and sections to find information on the different types of social aid for students:
- Scholarships based on social criteria;
- Allowance for diversity in the public service;
- International mobility scholarships;
- Housing subsidies;
- Specific aid.
To benefit from specific one-off aid:
As part of the specific one-off aid (ASAP), a local social aid commission meets monthly at the CROUS to provide personalised but one-off financial assistance to students facing particular difficulties: food aid, loans or grants for the payment of the housing guarantee, etc.
Within the limit of the budget appropriations allocated annually, these grants are allocated after having established a file with a social worker.
Social workers receive by appointment only at:
- CROUS Social Service - 1st floor of the Students' House (Maison de l'Étudiant) -
- University Health Service - 9, rue de Tours 45072 Orléans cedex 2 -