This is your student card, which identifies you and gives you access to personalised services.
To learn more on the multipurpose card:
- Go to the ENT website in the Multipurpose card section;
- Visit the CROUS website;
- Check the IZLY website for more information on the payment system;
- If you have any questions, read the IZLY FAQ.
With this card, you can:
- Prove your student status;
- Borrow books in the University Libraries;
- Pay your copies and prints;
- Pay your meals in University Restaurants and CROUS cafeterias;
- Access the secured facilities according to your authorizations: study and practical work rooms, laboratories…
To benefit from the electronic wallet:
- You must have activated your IZLY account;
- You can recharge it online in your IZLY personal space.
To be noted
The Atout’Centre card is still valid in the same conditions for all the registered students who own it.