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International Joint Supervision of Doctoral Thesis

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Joint supervision allows students to get a double degree, the French doctorate and the equivalent degree in another country.

The international joint supervision of doctoral thesis procedure between French and foreign higher education institutions, regardless of the fields of study, is governed by the Order of 25 May 2016.

The student registers in both universities, in France and abroad, one of which exempts the student from tuition. There are two thesis directors, one in France, one abroad, and the student is required to stay alternatively in France and abroad.

Viva voce must be done in one language and the summary in the other.

A thesis joint supervison can only be implemented if the doctorate student is registered in a 1st year of doctorate in one of the two oartner institutions at the time of the application. 

A proof of financing of up to 1000€/month (net) is required for stays in France.

All of these elements must appear in an agreement signed by the Presidents of both Universities.

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Centre-Val de Loire Doctoral College website - international page