Here you can access the various temporary recruitment contracts and forms to prove your professional status.
Contracts offered by the University of Orleans
♦ Standard contract
This contract allows a part-time lecturer (CEV) to carry out at most 192 hours equivalent to seminars (HETD) or an adjunct lecturer (ATV) to carry out at most 96 HETD in one university year within all the structures attached to the UO (Training and Research Units, University Institutes of Technology…).
♦ Simplified contract
This contract allows a CEV or an ATV to carry out at mots 12 HETD in one university year within all the structures attached to the UO. The proofs of entitlement needed might be reduced depending on your professional status.
Forms to be attached to your contract
♦ Appendix 1 – Preliminary request for multiple jobholding
- For civil servants or public sector contract workers
This document lets your main employer inform us that they allow you to carry out a precise number of teaching assignment hours at the UO.
♦ Appendix 1A - Preliminary request for multiple jobholding cancels and replaces
- For civil servants or public sector contract workers
This document must be filled out when the number of teaching hours exceeds the one indicated on the original request.
♦ Appendix 2 – Employer certificate
- For public sector contract workers
- For private sector employees
Your employer must complete this document to help us calculate the correct contributions applied on your remuneration.
♦ Appendix 3 – Authorisation of the main employer
- For private sector employees
This document lets your main employer inform us that they allow you to carry out teaching assignment hours at the UO.
The contracts are available in editable Word format.
These documents were created under the Word 2016 version.
Caution: Opening the documents with LibreOffice or a previous Word version might lead to a change in the original document formatting.
1/ Open your contract to fill it out
To access the input fields, click on the “View” tab, then click on “Modify the document”.
2/ Fill out the fields
Please avoid using the “tab” function or the “Enter” key in order not to change the document formatting.
Navigate the document only with your mouse or touchpad.
3/ Sign your contract
If you have a qualified electronic signature, you can use it on the document.
If not, you must print the 5/5 page of your contract to add a “Read and approved” note as well as your handwritten signature.
4/ Save your contract
Make sure you have completed your contract before saving it in PDF format.