Discover the various professional situations compatible with a recruitment as a temporary teacher.
♦ Civil servants of the State, of local governments or of public hospitals currently working;
♦ Civil servants of the State, of local governments or of public hospitals on secondment (96 HETD a year at most);
♦ Contract workers for the State, local governments or public hospitals on a fixed-term contract (CDD) or a permanent contract (CDI);
♦ Private sector employees with at least a 60% working quota for the same employer or at most 2 different employers;
♦ Freelance workers – company directors, liberal professions, artists, authors, self-employed persons – subject to proving their status and revenues issued from their freelance activity for the past 3 years;
♦ Temporary show business workers subject to being registered at Jobcentre (“Pôle emploi”) and proving their revenues over the past year;
♦ Doctoral students except the ones specified in the Who cannot become a temporary lecturer? section