Master’s Degree in Management Control and Corporate Finance (CGFE)
- 2 years
- Apprenticeship training
- Since 1988
- Capacity: 20 students per year
- RNCP Record N°35918
The Training’s Objectives
This Master’s degree aims to train professional senior executives in the fields of management control and company finance, for all types of organisations in the commercial sector (industries and services) and other sectors (associative and public).
At the end of this training course, graduates are able to build and use management tools (overviews, budgetary frameworks) related to the organisation’s information systems. A special attention is paid to methodological training (written and oral communication, teamwork, project management, research initiation) and to the learning of English (English classes and classes in English).
The CGAO master’s degree is a 100% work-study course from the 1st year (2-year apprenticeship contract).
The work-study system (average rhythm of 1 week in the company and 1 week at the University) allows students to prepare their entrance on the job market in a concrete way and it constitutes a true factor of professional pre-integration.
In 2022, the rate of graduates in employment is of 100% and the average duration for job search is of 2 weeks.
According to the last inquiry available on the situation of graduates in October 2019 (net rate of respondents: 71.4%), which was carried out by the College of Law, Economics and Management of Orléans, the most common job titles are the following:
- Junior Management Accountant;
- Financial Accountant;
- Financial Analyst;
- Project Management Accountant;
- Business Analyst;
- Cast Analyst.
An Established Reputation
In partnership with the Association of Finance and Management Control Executives (DFCG), the CGAO Master’s Degree is also part of the Association of Master’s degrees in Management Control and Organisational Audit (AM-CGAO).
A high-level training course recognized for over 30 years that answers the needs and challenges faced by economic players. It is one of the rare courses in France that has been historically combining 2 indivisible skills for the management of a company (finance and control).
Access in first year (M1):
Access to the first year is selective. It is particularly aimed at applicants who have completed a general Bachelor’s Degree in the field of management with a major in accounting, finance or control management (bachelor’s degree in management, economics and management, management sciences, accounting control and audit (CCA)), or a Diploma of Accounting and Management (DCG).
After studying the academic file, applicants are invited to an interview. The final admission is decided when the applicant obtains an apprenticeship or a professionalization contract whose missions have been validated by the educational manager.
Access in second year (M2):
Access to the second year is based on the applicant's file, for applicants who have completed the first year of the Master's degree in the field of accounting, control, auditing and corporate finance. The final admission is decided when the applicant obtains an apprenticeship or professionalization contract whose missions have been validated by the educational manager.
IAE - École Universitaire de Management
Faculté de Droit, d’Économie et de Gestion
Rue de Blois BP 26739 45067 Orléans Cedex 2
IAE secretarial office:
02 38 41 70 28
More information on apprenticeships:
02 38 49 48 69
Head of the Master’s Degree
Nathalie DUBOST
University Professor (PU) at the University of Orléans
Frédérique LETORT
Associate Professor (MCF) at the University of Orléans