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Boost your search for professional orientation and integration!


Netvibes is an efficient online tool for professionals who watch the internet. This dashboard will let users follow hundreds of information sources at the same time, and manage many common tasks, through several third-party apps connected to the service

The DOIP (Vocational Guidance and Professional Integration Department) uses Netvibes to gather professional orientation and integration items and make them easily accessible for any student looking for information on professional orientation, for an internship and/or employment for professional integration. The websites are listed by category in the form of tabs.


This personalised platform offers a selection of websites on:

  • Professional orientation: starting point (websites on every sector), international, listed by field of activity;
  • Professional integration: internships, careers, international, entrepreneurship.

You can have access to tailored counselling by contacting the University of Orléans' DOIP.