The world in the palm of your hand!
You want to go abroad for a study proramme or an internship but you don't know where to start?
- Find the schedule for the informational meetings and entertainment below.
You would like to take part in a study abroad programme and live an international mobility?
- Find the offers from our partners and discover all the possibilities that you have access to (language assistantship abroad, volunteer missions of international solidarity, civic service abroad, etc)
Come meet international student associations and ask your questions to the International Relations team at the different booths.
International Mobility Days (JMI)
On Wednesday 11 October 2023 - from 11am to 3pm in front of the Bouillon / the Students' House (Maison de l'étudiant).
- "International Relations" booth : infos, Q&A, documentations
- ESN (Erasmus Student Network) & AIELE association (Intercultural Language and Exchange Student Association) booths
- FEI (France Education International) booth foolowed by an information meeting in the Peguy lecture hall, from 5pm to 6pm (College of Humanities)
Each academic division's International Relations Office (BRI) will be organising information meetings on international exchange opportunities and other activities.
The International Mobility Days in your College
On Tuesday 10 October 2023
- In the College of Humanities (UFR LLSH), between 6:30pm and 7:30pm in the Genevoix lecture hall.
On Thursday 12 October
- In the College of Science and Techniques (UFR ST) between 12:30pm and 1:15pm in the STAPS lecture hall;
- In the Orléans IUT between 12:30pm and 2pm in the C2 lecture hall;
- In Polytech between 12pm and 3pm in the hall of the Galilée building (in front of the Turing lecture hall).
On Tuesday 17 October 2023
- In the College of Law (UFR DEG), between 12:30pm and 2pm in the Cantillon lecture hall.
Other events
- From Monday 9 October 2023 to Friday 13 October: Exhibition at the Orléans IUT with student testimonies in the GEA/GMP hall and QLIO/Chemistry hall
- On Wednesday October 11 at 6pm: Screening of the movie L'Auberge Espagnole in the Genevoix lecture hall
Radio Campus
11 October 2023
Musical set at lunchtime in front of the restaurant "Le Lac".
International student associations & information booth
Videos and Student Feedback
Story of the Erasmus Agency at Orléans during the International Mobility days of 2019
The Erasmus+ app
Webdocumentary of Erasmus
L'auberge européenne
Looks from Erasmus+ students
Offers From Our Partners
CENTRAIDER is a regional multi-stakeholder, helping all the structures commited to decentralised and/or international solidarity cooperation projects (local authorities, associations, schools, hospitals, universities, etc). CENTRAIDER aims at improving cooperation stakeholders and international solidarity pratices.
The CRIJ welcomes and informs young people freely and anonimously, without appointments, in their offices in the city center of Orléans. They can get information on studies, professions, employment, jobs, continuing ducation and day-to-day life such as culture, leasure, sports, holidays, Europe and abroad.
France Éducation International is an institution under guardianship of the ministry of education, youth and sports.
Their missions, which are part of the government priorities when it comes to international cooperation, are structure around three areas of activity :
- cooperation in the fields of school education, technical and profesional training and higher education
- support to teaching of/in French worldwide, through educators' and educational executives and through language assessment
- international mobility, through language assistants and academics exchange programmes as well as foreign diploma recognition
The French-German Office for Youth (OFAJ) is an international organisation in service of French-German cooperation implanted in Paris, Berlin and Sarrebuck. It was created via the Traité de l'Elysée in 1963. The Office aims at encouraging relationships with young people from both countries, strengthening their comprehension and, therefore, evolving representation from the neighboring country.