On 22 June 2020, the University of Orléans (UO) gained the "HR Excellence in Research" award.
The award acknowledges the progress made in aligning the UO’s human resources policies with the 40 principles of the European Charter & Code.
The challenges of the HR Excellence in Research award :
► To increase the attractiveness and visibility of the UO among international researchers
► To set up a quality-based approach in our various processes, in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
► To comply with the requirements of European programmes
The award is based on four main areas which correspond to the requirements of the Charter & Code, to which the UO is a signatory member :
- Ethics and openness to society
- Recruitment (Researchers, Teacher-Researchers, A.T.E.Rs, engineers and technical staff, doctoral students)
- Working conditions
- Training
Key documents
Revised Action Plan
HRS4R Newsletters
Recruitment Process for contract researchers
Charter & Code