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The IDEFI Project (Initiatives of Excellence in Innovative Training) financed by the Investments for the Future (“Investissements d’Avenir”). 

Implemented in 2012, Édifice rests on a collaboration between several partners: the University of Orléans, the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), the BRGM (Geological and Mining Research Office), the INRAE (National Institute of Agricultural Research) and the high schools of the Orléans-Tours education authority (Pothier, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, Bernard Palissy in Gien and Claude de France in Romorantin).

Édifice is an experimental and adjustable package based on a close association between training and research, whose objective is to accompany the vocational guidance of high school pupils in the scientific and humanities fields. It allows learners to obtain disciplinary, pre-professional and cross-disciplinary skills and to develop their critical thinking.


Édifice 2.0 is organised as a pathway for high school students

The Guidance (“Orientation”) pathway is accessible from Year 11 and offers pupils to participate to various workshops in order to discover the university campus (scavenger hunt), the various fields and professions working in collaboration with research laboratories. Classes are accompanied by tutor students from bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees of the university and by doctoral students. 

The Labo pathway, key measure of the project, is now accessible from Year 12, in relation with the 3 speciality courses chosen by the pupils, and is continued in Year 13. Therefore, the Édifice pupils can follow the thesis work of doctoral students immersed in the campus laboratories. In this way, they experience science in the making. In Year 13, pupils can use the work carried out within the framework of this pathway by for their Grand Oral, the new test of the French baccalaureate. 

The Controversy (“Controverse”) pathway, build in partnership with the IDEFI FORCCAST (a project supported by SciencesPo Paris) is accessible for pupils in Year 12 and 13. Like for the Labo pathway, doctoral students accompany classes involved in their documentary and field research work in order to track a scientific and technical controversy, and also to initiate pupils to oral expression with debate simulations. This pathway allows as well to open the Édifice actions more widely to local institutions and to humanities and social sciences. 


In the University and in high schools, various actions are available

The Diffusion and Calls for Projects (“Diffusion et appels à projet”) action allows to support student projects around scientific mediation and the diffusion of sciences but also university educational teams in the development of innovative educational actions (transformation of teaching with digital tools, hybrid training courses,…). 

The Training for Doctoral Students and Lifelong Learning (“Formations des doctorants et formations tout au long de la vie”) action: it concerns particularly educational sciences, professional integration, cross-disciplinary skills and scientific mediation. 

Opening teaching units will also be offered to students in bachelor’s degrees around the themes of controversy tracking and scientific mediation.


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