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Start carpooling today thanks to the BlaBlaCar Daily app!


The University of Orléans collaborates with the carpooling app BlaBlaCar Daily to facilitate the daily trips from home to work of students and staff members and to support transitions towards a more sustainable mobility.

While BlaBlaCar allows you to carpool for longer trips, BlaBlaCar Daily is the app dedicated to daily trips under 150kms. It is a simple, economical app for all available everywhere in France. 

Carpooling for your commutes is very beneficial! It is an environmental-friendly, social and economical approach that can facilitate your commutes and make them more enjoyable, while helping you reduce your driving costs. 


How to Carpool with BlaBlaCar Daily?

  1. Download the app by searching “BlaBlaCar Daily” in your phone’s app store
  2. Open the BlaBlaCar Daily app and sign up thanks to your phone number or your BlaBlaCar profile
  3. Fill in the information required (your home and work addresses, your working hours)
  4. Do not forget to fill in “University of Orléans” in the Company field within your personal info to facilitate carpooling between colleagues. Thanks to this information, you will be able to easily join the institution’s community of carpoolers and the app will first recommend your colleagues as possible carpoolers!
  5. You are ready to carpool! BlaBlaCar Daily will suggest you carpoolers as close as possible to your journey. All you have to do is send them a carpooling request.


Double Carpooling Bonus of 100€ for drivers from 1 January 2023!

  • On BlaBlaCar Daily for daily trips (maximum of 80kms) – bonus of 100€ from 10 trips made over the course of 3 months.
  • On BlaBlaCar for long-distance trips (minimum of 80kms) – bonus of 100€ from 3 trips made over the course 3 months.
Visuel Double Bonus Covoiturage de 100€

How does it Work? 

  1. Sign up on BlaBlaCar daily by downloading the app
  2. Make your first trips as a driver, for which you will receive the usual contribution of 2-6€
  3. Receive your 100€ bonus via bank transfer after your 10th trip made in 3 months, the equivalent of 1 week of commutes.

| For more information |
