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Research of Excellence

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Research has an important place in the University of Orléans. The university benefits from very close relations with large national research organisations as well as many European and international research laboratories. The works help to strengthen the capacity for innovation and participate in the economic development of the Centre-Val de Loire region, and more widely of the national territory.

In the 25 research laboratories, the teacher-researchers, researchers, engineers and high-level technicians develop a research of excellence. Among these laboratories, some are in partnership with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Geological Survey (BRGM), the National Institute for Agricultural Research (Inrae) and the University Hospital Centre of Orléans (CHUO).

Orléans is a scientific centre radiating internationally in numerous fields, especially in the fields of chemistry of materials and life, energy, sciences of the Earth and the Universe, and economics.

Location on the campus: Research building - 5 rue du Carbone 45067 Orléans Cedex

Recherche - Test éprouvettes