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Gap Years at the UO

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Here you will learn more on your rights and your duties as a student on a gap year, and on how to apply.


The Rights and Duties of Students on a Gap Year



To apply for a gap year, you must be registered at the University of Orléans for at least a semester before the beginning of the gap year. 

If the application is accepted, you can keep your student status as well as all the rights linked to it during the gap year period. 

The acceptance of a gap year guarantees your reintegration or registration within your training course in the semester or the year following the ones you have already passed. This guarantee is valid even for selective trainings or with limited places. 

Please note that you must pay the social security contributions linked to your status, if applicable. 

Throughout your gap year, you will benefit from an educational support in order to promote your experience within your university studies. This support is mandatory, and you must contact one of your teachers to request it. 

The skills acquired will be added to your diploma supplement. As a reminder, the gap year is not a substitute to the usual ways for acquiring the skills needed to obtain your diploma. 

You can find the entire appendix to the study regulations concerning the gap year system here.



How to Apply?



Requests for information and for the withdrawal of the application file are to be addressed by email at:

The President of the UO grants the gap year period after the opinion of the Gap Year Committee, which is in charge of examining the application files. When the gap year project is accepted, a gap year contract is drawn up and signed by you and the University before your departure. This contract sets out the characteristics, the arrangements for any support and validation of the gap year, and the rights and obligations of both parties.