If you are currently registered in another university or in a BTS (advanced technician’s certificate), you will find all the information regarding your registration here.
If you wish to apply in a selective training course (BUT, professional degree or master’s degree), you must apply first on the eCandidat app. Application campaigns are open as of February 2023.
If you wish to register in a selective training course (1st year of master's), you must first apply via the MonMaster app. Application campaigns will be open from 22 March to 18 April 2023.
To register in a non-selective course (general bachelor’s degree), students already registered in another university and who wish to continue with the same specialisation must follow the transfer procedure.
Students not registered in a university yet (such as students registered in BTS) who wish to register in a 2nd or 3rd year of a general bachelor’s degree (except 3rd year MIAGE and Management & Economics, which require an application on eCandidat), must fill out an accreditation of learning request delivered by the central registrar's office: defi.scol@univ-orleans.fr
Caution: Files must be submitted to the appropriate registrar's offices before 15 May for the 1st session and 15 July for the 2nd session.
Registration procedures: from 4 to 20 July at 12am and from 23 August to 1 September 2023 (for Master’s degrees: from 23 June).
Students from the eCandidat procedure 1. Once you have obtained your diploma allowing you to access the desired training, you must log on the IA primo online registration app and pay the tuition fees. Online payment is available only for debit cards. Your login details are your OPI eCandidat number (available in your eCandidat file next to “EC” with your file number) and your birth date in a ddmmyyyy format. Applicants who have to register on a work-study basis will be able to register online after the CFA (apprentice training centre) validates their file. Applicants on continuing education must first contact the continuing education service (SEFCO). |
Students from the AFI24 transfer procedure 1. You must download the first registration file for 2023-2024 below, complete it and submit it via email at the appropriate registrar's office (see contact details here) between 4 July and 1 September 2023 to validate your administrative registration. Once the registrar's office finalizes your registration, you will receive an email with your student number so that you can submit all the required supporting documents in the PJWeb app and pay your tuition fees.
You can check your registration 2023-2024 and edit your registration summary at any time.
2. Once your administrative registration is complete, log on to the PJWeb app to submit the supporting documents required on your registration summary. Your login details are your student number (available on your registration summary) and your birth date. |
3. Once your supporting documents are validated and you have paid your tuition fees, you must activate your digital work environment (ENT) with your login details (email address and student number) to download your education certificate and to obtain all the necessary information on your studies. |
If necessary, you can contact the helpline at every day from Monday to Friday, 8:30am-12:30am to 1:30pm-5pm, between 27 June and 2 September 2022.