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Switching to a Different Training Course

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 Here you will find all about the process to switch for a different field of study during the year.

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You are a 1st year student and you wish to change your training course for the second semester? See the administrative process below.  




1. Asking for a Switching of Training Course Form


When: From Monday 23 October to 28 November 2023.


  • Via email at or;
  • Via phone at or;
  • By appointment at the DOIP (you can make an appointment by phone or by email).

Please note that you must fill out as many forms as courses you apply for.


2. Switching For the Second Semester: For What Course?


  • All bachelor’s degrees of the University of Orléans (in accordance with available places) except for bachelor’s degrees specialised in health (L.AS), PASS, CMI, PPPE (special pathways) and double degrees such as the Law - Economics and Management bachelor's degree.
  • All BUTs in accordance with available places;
  • The NDRC BTS (advanced technician’s certificate) in partnership with the Voltaire High School of Orléans (specific form). A presentation is scheduled for 16 November 2023 at 2pm, room 150 of the College of Humanities (UFR LLSH).
  • Other BTS in accordance with available places;
  • Bachelor’s degrees that are not available at the University of Orléans (the student has to enquire at the concerned institution to know the conditions for switching trainings). 


3. Submitting Your Form(s) - EXCEPT for the College of Science and the Orléans IUT (which take place on e-candidat)


When: Up to 1 December 2023 (no form will be accepted after this deadline).

To: The registrar’s office of the College in which you have been registered since September 2023.

You can find the email address of each registrar’s office below:



College of Law, Economics and Management (UFR DEG)

College of Humanities and Social Sciences (UFR LLSH)

College of Science and Technology (UFR ST)

For a course switch at the College of Science: E-candidat!offreFormationView

Orléans IUT

For a course switch at the Orléans IUT: E-candidat!offreFormationView




Bourges IUT

Sport Sciences (STAPS)


Chartres IUT


Châteauroux Centre for Higher Education

Indre IUT (Châteauroux and Issoudun)


The secretary responsible for switching training courses will receive your application and transmit it to the registrar’s office of the requested training. Teachers of the requested training will then consider your application and give their opinion.

All forms must be complete in order to be considered.


If you wish to apply for a training course outside of the University of Orléans, please submit your file to
The DOIP will transmit it to the requested institution.


4. Obtaining Support


You can benefit from an interview with a psychologist licensed by the National Education Ministry (PsyEN) specialised in professional guidance (advice, exchange, help elaborating your project…) or from professional guidance workshops handled by the two PsyEN of the DOIP.

The workshop lasts 2 hours and offers:

  • Tools to help students take stock of their interest and qualities;
  • Exchanges to develop and elaborate their project;
  • Information on how to switch for a different training and on the various trainings available;
  • Personalised support by the National Education psychologists.


When: Tuesday 7 November 2023 from 9:30 to 11:30am in the morning and from 2pm to 4pm in the afternoon.

How: By registering via phone at or, by coming directly to the DOIP or via email at


5. Knowing Your Switching Results


When: Between 13 and 21 December 2023

How: You will receive an email informing you on the results of the commission’s opinion concerning your application for switching training. 

For any additional information, please contact the DOIP at or


Switching Trainings at the End of the Year


You are registered in 1st year and you wish to switch to a different training course at the end of the university year?

Whether you want to change for a training course within the University of Orléans or in another institution, you must make an enquiry on the ParcourSup platform.

ParcourSup allows you to apply to both selective trainings (e.g. BTS, BUT, schools…) and non-selective trainings (bachelor’s degrees, 1st year of medical studies…).


Details on the Switching Procedure on ParcourSup:

Contrary to high school students, the "fiche avenir" is not required for students.

1st year students who wish to switch to a different training  course can be accompanied by a professional guidance department (CIO, DOIP). If so, they can download and fill out a “certificate of follow-up for their switching project” which will be one of the elements taken into account when examining the wishes entered in ParcourSup. This certificate must be filled out by the department supporting the student and is an additional element taken into account by the teachers who will give an opinion on the student’s application.

How to Connect to ParcourSup?

Get on the ParcourSup platform (in French) and check the “Registration” section in the website’s FAQ. 

Applicants for switching training are usually able to retrieve the elements of their file from the previous year on ParcourSup if they still have access to the email address they used when they first registered. Be careful, this possibility is only given once, at the time of the application file creation.

Important Dates in the ParcourSup Procedure:

To be added

Possible Support Within the UO:

By appointment et the Vocational Guidance and Professional Integration Department (DOIP)

1st floor of the Students’ House (Maison de l’Étudiant)

Contact: -

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do not hesitate to check the FAQ section of the ParcourSup website (in French), particularly the “Switching training or repeating a year” part.

The ONISEP website (in French) also offers interesting information, particularly in the “After the Baccalaureate” and “Switching training” sections.