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9 Eiffel Laureates at the Beginning of the University Year 2022

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The University of Orléans will welcome 9 prizewinners of the Eiffel scholarship in 2022/2023, congratulations!

The Eiffel scholarship is an excellence scholarship programme developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and managed by Campus France. 

The Eiffel scholarship programme is a tool developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs in order to allow French higher education institutions to attract the best foreign students in training courses leading to a qualification of master’s and doctoral degree. 

We are pleased to welcome 9 laureates of this very selective scholarship at the beginning of the university year 2022:

  • 2 Togolese and Cameroonian students specialised in Civil Engineering and Geoenvironment in Polytech;
  • 1 Egyptian student registered in a Master’s Degree in Banking, Finance and Insurance in the College of law, Economics and Management;​​​​
  • 1 Egyptian student registered in a Master’s Degree in Information Systems Management in the College of Law, Economics and Management;
  • 1 Mexican student registered in a Master’s Degree in Languages and European Management in the College of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences;
  • 1 Brazilian student registered in a Doctoral Degree of Chemistry;
  • 2 Tunisian students registered in doctoral Degree of Economic Sciences;
  • 1 Tunisian student registered in a Master’s Degree in International Economics.


Congratulations to them and to all training officers who supported their cases!