Find out the sanitary rules to be respected inside the libraries so that you can use them in the best possible conditions.
Timetables and calendars can be consulted on
Reserve a place, a computer at the BU with Affluences
Your library is open by reservation. Download* the Affluences application to reserve a slot.
You can choose between :
- Reserving your entrance to the library for 30 minutes to borrow or return documents, print.
- Reserving a laptop to be used on site to follow your online courses.
- Reserving a seat to follow your lessons online with your laptop.
The BU is open from 8am to 6pm.
Find out about the services and the booking procedure:
See you soon at the BU!
*Download Affluences
iOS ?
Android ?
What are the new borrowing conditions ?
From 29 October, you can borrow an unlimited number of documents. Documents already borrowed are automatically extended until 1 December.
During the confinement period, all your penalties are suspended.
I would like to return a document by post, to which address should I send it ?
The addresses per library are available on the DCS website.
Documentary tools made available
La bibliothèque numérique , c'est simple comme un clic ! Accédez depuis le site web de la BU à plus de 50 000 ouvrages en ligne.
The digital library is as easy as a click ! Access more than 50,000 books online from the BU's website.
The BU offers e-book packages for all the disciplines taught at our University :
- with Dalloz , LamyLine and Francis Lefèbvre , ebooks in law and administration,
- with Numérique Premium, ebooks in law, literature, philosophy, geopolitics, history, French politics, history of art, religions, sociology, education sciences,
- with ScholarVox , ebooks in engineering sciences, computer science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, life and earth sciences and in economics, management and accounting, education sciences, health, STAPS, humanities and social sciences as well as titles on employment, trades and training.
The majority of the ebook titles are in French and are particularly targeted at the needs of students enrolled in Bachelor, DUT and Master programmes.
- Your BU's offer also includes online access to thousands of French and foreign journals via the Cairn, Europresse, Lextenso, Science Direct and SpringerLink platforms.
- The alphabetical list of digital resources is available at :